
Showing posts from December, 2019

@Qanon76: Spread the word and may God Bless our Vets and the help @codeofvets @sayscape provides πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

@BrianHylandCDU: New Category: #bondwars –

Portals of “New Beginnings” for Gaia open and are traversed by the Higher Vibrationals

Humanity’s liberation from satanic Western ruling class possible in 2020

@Qanon76: PRAY.

Syrian War Report – December 31, 2019: Turkish Military Shelled Syrian Army Positions

@Qanon76: @JessieJaneDuff @christianllamar @JamesGidcumb @FINALLEVEL


@Qanon76: @BraylenNapier @MakAmerGr8Again Oops.

Adrian Vallera Ascension Series Interview: Activating Ascension Keys

@Qanon76: @BraylenNapier ATTENTION: You are a sheep.

@Qanon76: If you are sick and tired of being DIVIDED, WE are are here, waiting to love and support you with, Open Arms Open Minds & Open Hearts.

@Qanon76: @NewEart02938004 @JVan125 We are always here for you @NewEart02938004 πŸ‘

@Qanon76: @UpD0c In an epic such as this, it’s a good idea to have more than one bag. Enjoy the show!

@Qanon76: @oneLOVE10053967 You get it πŸ‘

@Qanon76: Have we reached the FINAL LEVEL?

@Qanon76: There will be a day, SOON where the World will learn the truth. There will be a day when we aren’t divided by race, color or creed. There will be a day where we can all come together as proud American’s and Patriots worldwide. There will be a day, Where We Go One We Go All!

@Qanon76: @qanon70570 Nice profile pic πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Guess What’s Missing At Warren Air Force Base

@Qanon76: Something BIG is coming.