He is correct; there is no past or future it all happens in the moment; look at this toroidal field above which creates the illusion of time;
Project looking glass comes to mind
What did Tesla know? The works of Walter Russel comes to mind; they all understand the fields that create the holographic universe;
Did John George Trump know?
Therefore does Trump know?
Where we go one we go All. Everything is ONE created out of the mind of what some say is the spirit; the frequency that moves via the fields which is all ONE but the resonance creates ALL things we perceive or experience around us ; We are the light that we “see” by the illumination of the frequency; all substance are Light which MASS is the high energy “light” ; Everything is “moving” via the fields except the flat dielectric plane at the center of the feilds
The sky is a road map to the body; which is what the spirit portrays
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